
StbEmu is an application for Android 5.0+, which makes it possible to load IPTV web portals, designed to run on IPTV STBs (Set-Top-Boxes), on Android-based devices, like phones, tablets and TV boxes. At this moment the application supports emulation of multiple STBs created by Ukrainian company Infomir, like MAG 250, MAG 270 or MAG 322. See the list of emulated devices.

There are two versions of the app: a free one and a paid one. Free version shows ads, Pro version doesn't. That's the only big difference between them.

To be able to watch IPTV using the app you need to buy an IPTV subscription from a third party IPTV provider. The app comes with no subscriptions or accounts activated.

See Settings page.

See Download page.


Common settings

Global application settings.

Configure key maps

Here you may configure key bindings for your remote control.


A list of profiles (portals), where you can configure each profile and set required data for emulation.


Configure app updates.


About application...

Common settings

These settings are for app version 0.8+.


App Language

Change application language (using Android's version by default, if available).

Hide navigation bar

Hide navigation bar with buttons (may not work on some devices). If this option is selected, and you use a touchscreen to control the app, you may need to tap twice to show on screen buttons if they are hidden (the first time is to show navigation bar, it's an Android's restriction).

Always show overlay buttons

Show on screen buttons. Usually this option should be enabled. However, you may disable it on STBs if buttons appear when you press a key on your remote control.

Screen configuration

You may enable or disable screen rotating when device orientation is changed. Keyboard configuration

Keyboard configuration

Remote control settings (not available in free version).

Configuration for remote control server to control a portal using software remote control for MAG-250/AuraHD/etc.

Boot options

Auto start on device boot

Start the app on device boot. Only works if device is installed on internal storage. If you have a lock screen enabled on your device (e.g. on phones or tablets) the app will be started after you unlock the device. Services

Stop in background

Pause app if you switched to another app.

Android TV

Android TV specific options

Enable recommendations

Enable recommendation cards on Android's main screen. The app will show cards for each profile you've configured for quick access to a profile.

Browser settings

Browser configuration

Scaling method

Select another scaling method for browser if portal is too big or too small. You don't need to change this option on most devices, except if your device has a low display resolution (less than portal's resolution, in most cases 1280x720).

Network settings

Change some network settings

Enable network cache

Enable caching of network requests. Speeds up portal loading in most cases. Disable if you get authentication error too often, or has another network specific issues.

Cache size

A size of network cache. Default value: 20MB.

STB profiles

STB profile is a set of options to emulate an STB in the app. The app creates one profile by default on the first start, but you can always change it or add another profiles to be able to load more portals on the same device. To create a new profile double tap on the screen and menu on the top (or on the side) should appear [^1], then select Settings. When the Settings open select Profiles where you can add or update profiles.

[^1] if you use a 3D remote control or mouse, move cursor pointer click on the screen and open the app's menu on top.

Profile name

A name of the profile. Should be any non-empty string.

Portal settings

A set of portal specific options.

Portal URL

A URL where portal is located. Must starts from a scheme (http://, https://, ftp://, etc.).

Portal language

A default language for a portal. Must be one of ISO 639-1 language codes (two-letter).

HTTP Proxy settings

HTTP proxy configuration

Use HTTP proxy

Enable if you want to use a HTTP proxy.

Proxy host name
Proxy port
Portal is internal

Check if you want to use an internal portal for MAG devices.

Internal portal URL

STB configuration

Main configuration options.

STB Model

An STB model you want to emulate.


A firmware (not a real one) you want to emulate. Some portals may require to use a specific firmware, so you have to choose it in the list if available. Most of the supported STB models only have a Generic firmware, which is usually the most recent.

Available firmwares

  • Generic. Usually the most recent firmware available.
  • Custom (Mag 250 only). Customizable firmware. Use it if you need to configure some specific firmware options.

Most users should use Generic firmware (selected by default).

Firmware settings

This option is only available if you use Custom firmware (only available for MAG 250 for now). Here you may configure some specific firmware options, like version, custom user agent, etc.

User Agent

A User Agent for web browser.

Screen resolution

A screen resolution to emulate (not a real one!). Use one of the resolutions your IPTV portal supports (usually 1280x720).

MAC address

A MAC address of the emulated device. If you have a real MAG 250 device, you may use its MAC address, or just any random hexadecimal 12 digits (0-9, A-F), divided by colons) 1.

Most portals require MAC address to starts from 00:1A:79.


On some devices which have only Wi-Fi connection the default generated MAC address could be 00:1A:79:00:00:00 which means the app couldn't properly detect it because of Android restrictions. If you have such an issue just change the 00:00:00 part to any random hexadecimal digits.

Serial number

A serial number of the emulated device. Most portals don't check it so any random text line should be good for use.

Device ID

Device ID configuration options.

Use MAC-based device ID

Enable to generate device ID based on your device's MAC address. Press Reset device ID after enabling or disabling this option to regenerate the ID.

Send Device ID

Send device ID if portals requests it. Sends empty string if not enabled.

Device ID random seed

A seed for generating device ID. Use the same seed on all your devices that use the same portal URL and the same MAC address. Press Reset device ID after changing.

Device ID value

A device ID. You may either use a generated value or write your own.

Custom device ID 2 and signature

Enable to be able to change Device ID 2 and signature.

Device ID 2
Reset device ID to default value

Regenerates Device ID, Device ID 2 and signature.

Hardware settings

Hardware version

IP address

IP address that will be sent to a portal if requested. Not a real one. Most portals never use this information, so you may not change it.

Media player settings

Profile specific media player settings.

Media player

Select a default media player for profile

ExoGithubThe default player. Should be preferred on most devices
VLCweb site
IjkGithubDoesn't support subtitles
Internal playerUses Android's player. A list of supported codecs depends on your device's Android version.Doesn't support subtitles
External playerYou may use almost any external player, but no integration with the emulator is available (media streams will be opened in an external application).

UDPXY settings

Enable UDXPY support
UDPXY server URL
Overwrite stream protocol

Advanced settings


StbEmu Pro

StbEmu Pro

Download StbEmu Pro from Google Play

StbEmu Free

StbEmu Free

Download StbEmu Free from Google Play


I have paid for StbEmu Pro on Google Play, but cannot download it. Google Play asks me to pay again

This is a known issue in Google Play. Give it up to 24 hours to process your payment and update the data on your device( s). You can also try to open a web browser on your PC or mobile device, go to Google Play, find StbEmu Pro (direct link) and install it remotely onto your device(s).

The app resets volume level when I change channels

This is a known issue on some devices made by Sony, Phillips and Xiaomi. Some other device may also have this issue.

To fix this issue you can make the app use system (global) volume level: in Settings > Common settings > check Always use system volume level. You need to reload you currently active portal from the app's menu for the changes to take effect.

How can I customize portal UI? I don't like the colors or icons.

Portals are located on your IPTV provider's servers, so unless your IPTV provider has an option to change UI elements, you cannot change anything there. Most portals don't support UI customization so the UI can only be changed by IPTV provider only.

When I add some channels to Favorites and reload portal they disappear. I cannot move favorite channels in the list

All channel lists, including favorites, are stored on your IPTV provider's servers. If the app doesn't load favorites or load them in a wrong order this means your IPTV provider has not configured the portal properly. This issue can only be fixed by your IPTV provider.

When I play channels there's a lot of buffering

In most cases when buffering happens this means either your network connection or your IPTV provider's network connection is not good enough to stream video to your device. If you are sure your network connection is good try telling your IPTV provider about this issue.

How can I load m3u playlists in the app

StbEmu does not support m3u or any other playlists, only portals designed for MAG boxes.

I cannot create a backup or restore a backup in the application

Currently, this feature only works properly on Android 10 and older versions. Since Android 11 applications can only read and write files in their own folders. An app can request a permission to read or write files in other folders, however this feature doesn't work on some Android TV devices and some Set-Top-Boxes (STBs) and it won't be fixed 1, 2.

If you're using one of the devices where this feature does not work, unfortunately you won't be able to create or restore backups on such devices.